Common Medical Issues

Our animals have an initial health assessment by our team. Below are a few common medical issues that we come across very often and are usually caused by stress or change in environment. Please let your foster contact know right away if anything seems off or if you think that your foster animal may need to see a vet. Second Chance Animal Alliance must approve a vet visit for costs to be covered.

Soft Stool or Diarrhea

In the first few days transitioning to a new home or food, foster pets commonly have soft stool.

If soft stool lasts longer than a few days, try feeding a diet of boiled chicken and plain rice, or add some canned pumpkin to your foster pet’s meal depending on their size.

Notify us immediately if your foster pet has diarrhea, as it can be fatal to puppies.


Although the majority of pets have already been dewormed, it can often take a second dose to completely kill intestinal parasites. If you see worms in your foster pet’s stool or if they have soft stool, don’t panic! Worms don’t require a vet visit. Contact us, and we can provide de-wormer medication.

Having a Cold

Often, shelter animals show signs of a cold, or kennel cough, in the first few days and up to two weeks outside the shelter. It sounds like a honking or choking cough, and may include runny eyes, noes, and sneezing.

Symptoms usually clear within a week and can be eased by providing wet food or softened kibble (soaked in water), plentiful water, and using a humidifier. Steam from the bathroom also helps break up the congestion in their sinuses and lungs. If symptoms do not resolve or seem to be getting worse, contact us.

No appetite

Dogs often don’t show an appetite with new changes to environment or transport. Try some high value foods like hotdogs, deli meat or chicken to coax them into eating.

Low energy

Some foster dogs need a few days to decompress and can appear to be low-energy. If they become lethargic or don’t perk up after a few days, contact us!