Adoption and Transport Facilitators

Adoption Facilitator

We made a plea in our last newsletter for an adoption facilitator and transport facilitators, and we are so thrilled to have two amazing names coordinate for Second Chance.

We couldn’t be more pleased to announce that foster volunteer, Robin Ware, stepped up and is our new adoption facilitator.

Robin is already up to speed on many of our activities and volunteers.

Transport Facilitator

Linda Miller reached out and agreed to become a transport facilitator.  Linda lives primarily in Nashville and part-time in Oxford, but is already adept at working remotely, and we know she will bridge any distance barriers with ease.  This month’s plea is for a fundraising chairperson. We have no shortage of ideas for fundraising projects large and small. As you can imagine, we have an overwhelming need for funds to help with our day to day expenses, but we also have some long-term projects in mind.