“I care for Animals” Grant

Second Chance Animal Alliance Receives I Care for Animals Grant

Second Chance Animal Alliance (SCAA) has been awarded a $2,000 I Care for Animals grant from the Mississippi Board of Animal Health.  The funds will support SCAA’s spay/neuter initiative.  

SCAA is a volunteer-led nonprofit organization operating on community-based donations in Water Valley, MS.  The organization provides food, shelter and veterinary care to lost and found dogs in northern Mississippi, ultimately placing them in loving homes.  For more information on SCAA, visit secondchancewv.org.

The I Care for Animals car tag program is in its twentieth year.  The program offers an opportunity for Mississippians to purchase a specialty license plate which benefits animals around the state.  The license plates are available at county tax collector’s offices.  

Proceeds are distributed to animal shelters, humane organizations, counties, and municipalities which make application and meet the criteria for award.  Spay/Neuter is the primary focus of the I Care for Animals program.

More information on the I Care for Animals program can be found at mbah.ms.gov.